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Personal Interest

Tom's B-Street Restaurant Guide
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ThanksGiving 1920

Industry Salon in Rocklin

Interesting Sites

HP Alumni Association
Bat Houses
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Current Projects

I took American Airlines to court.. And Won!

A bizarre but true story. Full Story here


Recommended list of labor for hire.
HiredHelp list

MyGarage Controller

Web-based, Rasberry PI controller for remotely controlling your garage door. Works on both desktop and mobile devices.

Where's Waldo?

Simple demonstration of a Station-to-Station navigation system. Useful for boats or hotel navigation.
Where's Waldo?

Solar Panel Certification

Are you a solar panel installer that wants to have your plans inspected online? Will your solar panel installation meet local building codes? Need your plans stamped by a certified structural engineer?
Check out the website.

Quotes to think about...

  • "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."
    Comedian George Carlin
  • "There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance."
    Steve Ballmer - 2007 USA Today Interview
    Observation: 1st Qtr 2012 iPhone revenue: $24.4B.. All of Microsoft for same quarter: $20.9B.
  • "Use your brains, not your back!"
    Billy Milner
    My dad told me this a lot!

"My Mother always said, 'Elwood, in this life you must be oh so smart, or oh so pleasant.' Well, for years I have been smart, but now I recommend pleasant. You may quote me on that."
Jimmy Stewart, from the movie "Harvey"